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Gender / Sexuality / Women's Studies

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Showing 19 Databases

Articles from selected popular magazines and scholarly journals in all disciplines.
Full-text newspapers from around the U.S. and the world, including the Richmond Times-Dispatch and many other local and regional newspapers in Virginia. Incorporates America's News database with addition of international sources.
This collection of primary source material drawn from hundreds of institutions and organizations, including both major international activist organizations and local grassroots groups, presents important aspects of LGBTQ life in the second half of the twentieth century and beyond. Part 3 includes important publications documenting the history of sex, sexuality, and gender from the 16th-20th century Includes historical records and documents, publications, personal correspondence, interviews, and more
Although the majority of content is from the U.S., it is international in scope.
Index to "approximately 25,000 scholarly works in all academic disciplines and in all western European languages on slavery and slaving, worldwide and throughout human history, including modern times."
This database provides access to digital collections of primary sources (photos, letters, diaries, artifacts, etc.) that document the history of women in the United States. These diverse collections range from Ancestral Pueblo pottery to interviews with women engineers from the 1970s.
Covers master's theses and Ph.D. dissertations worldwide in all disciplines.
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages. Because of the explosion of research in Women's Studies during the past two decades, scholars and students interested in women during the Middle Ages find an ever-growing flood of publications.
HeinOnline is the world's largest fully searchable, image-based government document and legal research database. It contains comprehensive coverage from inception of U.S. statutory materials, U.S. Congressional Documents and more than 2,500 scholarly journals. HeinOnline provides topic specific databases including all of the world's constitutions, all U.S. treaties, collections of classic treatises and presidential documents, Criminal Justice, Religion and the Law, and Women and the Law among others. Full text of state and federal case law powered by Fastcase is included.
An archive of thousands of journals in many disciplines.
Full text of one of the most important weekly news magazines of the 20th century. Life was known for its photojournalism and many of the most famous images of the 20th century were published in this magazine, which covered both national and international events, politics, and culture. Coverage is from 1936 through its final issue in 2000.
Full text of 10 of the most important 20th century popular news and business magazines: Time, Life, U.S. News & World Report, The Atlantic, The Nation, The New Republic, The National Review, Forbes, Fortune, and Bloomberg Businessweek. Coverage is from the beginning of each magazine, with varying ending dates.
Over 500 scholarly journals in the social sciences and the humanities published by Elsevier.
This database allows easy creation of maps and tables using social, demographic, economic, environmental, and health data covering a wide range of time periods. U.S. and international data is included. Please note: limited to 3 simultaneous users, so try again in a few minutes if you cannot get in right away.
Index to journal articles, conference papers, books and book chapters in sociology and and related fields such as cultural anthropology and criminal justice; includes full text from over 800 journals and over 800 books, as well as 1400 conference papers.
Full text of an important 20th century weekly news magazine. Coverage is from its beginning in 1923 through 2000, and includes both U.S. and international topics.
Includes Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation. Includes indexing and cited references for items published 1900-present.
Collection of over 20,000 ebooks published by Wiley in all subject areas.
Indexes over 2,000 sources with relevant materials in women's and gender studies.
Primary sources from the women's suffrage movement covering the period 1849-1923


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Gender / Sexuality / Women's Studies Experts


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Laurie Preston

McGraw-Page Library
Randolph-Macon College
P.O. Box 5005
305 Henry Street
Ashland VA 23005-5505