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R-MC Faculty Teaching Toolkit: Hypothesis

is a tool that facilitates active reading, collaborative annotation and discussions around text and media. allows:

  • Annotating articles and media from JSTOR, YouTube, and PDF documents;
  • Focusing on the learning process, which is important in the age of generative AI;
  • Collaborative problem-solving for STEM classes;
  • Learning assessment using Canvas course Speedgrader


Sign up for Hypothesis Academy; learn strategies for using to engage students in active learning processes in the age of Generative AI.

Accessing and Using is integrated into our Canvas learning management system. The user should sign into using his/her RMC username and password. The course instructor can set up exercise in course Modules and Assignments


Demo Canvas course screenshot
Use Hypothesis in a Canvas Course

Click here to access the demo course

(Signing into RMC Canvas is required.)



Additional Resources for Instructors:

Tutorial (text): Using the Hypothesis LMS App with Modules in Canvas 

Tutorial (video): Creating an Hypothesis PDF module item in Canvas

Tutorial (video)Creating an Hypothesis URL module item in Canvas

Tutorial (text & video): How to set up Hypothesis readings through Canvas Assignments

Tutorial (text): How to use Canvas Groups to create Hypothesis Group Reading

Tutorial (text & video)How to grade Hypothesis annotations in Canvas

Tutorial (text & video): How to turn a scanned PDF image to machine readable document (OCR)



Student Resources: