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R-MC Faculty Teaching Toolkit: Panopto


Panopto logoPanopto 


About Panopto

Panopto is a screencasting video recording tool. It allows instructors to record a lecture and/ or create an interactive video during which they can share documents like screen shares, PowerPoint, videos, and texts among others. Instructors are able to recreate a virtual classroom and an interaction similar to what would normally take place in a traditional classroom environment. As students see their instructor discussing supporting documents on-screen, they receive an enhanced learning experience and more engaging lessons.


To set up your account:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select Panopto Plans for Education
  3. Click Try Panopto for Free

panopto plans for education website


See an introduction to Panopto by Sandrine Teixidor (video)

Using Panopto

Learn how to:

  • Create a video using Panopto (video text located under video)
  • Edit a video in Panopto (video | text)
  • Add a quiz to a Panopto video (video text located under video)


Learn more about how to use Panopto from their Documentation page.

Get tips on this and other technology tools.