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R-MC Faculty Teaching Toolkit: YouTube


youtube logo YouTube


About YouTube

YouTube is a place to go to find videos to use in class, but also a place where you can upload your own videos. Important features to know:

  • YouTube is part of R-MC's subscription to Google Suite (G-Suite). This means you have unlimited storage in YouTube if you choose to upload your videos.
  • YouTube will automatically generate closed captions for uploaded videos. Accuracy of the closed captioning depends on the content of the video. Videos that use natural language are captioned with greater accuracy than videos with jargon, technical language, or proper names.


Getting started with YouTube:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Sign in using your R-MC username & password.

    youtube sign in button


    NOTE: If you use Gmail or Google Drive for your personal business, you may not see the Sign In button but instead will see an image associate with your personal account. To access the unlimited storage associate with R-MC's Google Suite, you will need to login with your R-MC credentials. Learn How (Text)

Using YouTube for Teaching & Learning

While you may be familiar with YouTube as a source of footage to show in class, you and your students can also upload materials to YouTube to share with other members of your class. Particularly for student material, it is a good idea to publish these videos as unlisted so they cannot be found without the direct link to that video. They cannot be found using a simple search of YouTube or Google.


Learn how to:

  • Securely publish a video in YouTube (video
  • Add closed captioning with YouTube (video text)