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Director's Welcome

Nancy Falciani-White photo

Welcome to the McGraw-Page Library! This site serves as a portal for faculty, staff, students, and guests to learn about our collections and spaces, access our electronic resources, and connect with excellent staff who are available to answer questions via chat, email, phone, or one-on-one consultations.

At the McGraw-Page Library, we recognize that academic work like studying, researching, writing papers, and creating presentations can be time-consuming, stressful, and sometimes intimidating. We also recognize that sometimes you just need a break. In support of both of these aspects of the college experience, a key part of our mission is to support opportunities for exploration, discovery, and creativity. We provide a lot of resources and technologies, but also expert staff who can help you put the pieces together to create something unique and interesting.

Libraries are unique in their ability to connect you a wide variety of knowledge and experiences of the past while also preparing you to make your own contributions to the future. So I encourage you to take advantage of the excellent tools, resources, and people available at the McGraw-Page Library. Enjoy the virtual reality and 3D printing technology in the Makerspace, but also explore our unique Special Collections and other print and online resources.

If you have a question about the library and how it can help you succeed at Randolph-Macon, or if you have a suggestion about how the library can improve, we want to hear from you! Drop off suggestions at the suggestion box located on the Information Desk on the first floor, ask questions of Information Desk staff or your Subject Librarian, or contact me directly.


Nancy Falciani-White
Library Director



Mission and Vision of the McGraw-Page Library



The McGraw-Page Library supports the mission of the College by providing quality resources and innovative services that foster lifelong learning through exploration, discovery, and creativity.



The McGraw-Page Library strives to be the intellectual center of Randolph-Macon College. We encourage multi- and inter-disciplinarity through active participation in the academic and creative life of the College. We create vibrant, welcoming physical and virtual environments that support teaching, learning, research, and discovery. We collect, preserve, promote, and facilitate access to the best scholarly and educational resources in a variety of formats, and excel at innovative and responsive services. We educate members of the campus community in the use of academic and technological resources in order to prepare them for a complex information environment. We foster a culture of inclusiveness that reflects and respects the diversities of our community.

Last updated May 2018