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International Students Library Guide

A collection of information and resources for international students at the McGraw-Page Library

International Students Library Guide

Getting Started with VR


The term Virtual Reality (VR) is commonly used for technology-mediated environments that simulate reality. EXtended Reality (XR) is a broader term encompassing Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR).

Students and faculty are welcome to explore XR experiences in the Makerspace or check out Meta Quest 2 for personal use; please talk to our staff. We have free-play hours on most Friday afternoons during the semester.

Our Collection of XR Experiences

   We hold a collection of over 30 Virtual Reality experiences, for education and entertainment.

    Examples include:


VR Equipment

  • HTC VIVE Headset: Used in the Makerspace Virtual Reality room during the operation hours
  • Meta Quest 2 Headset: Can be used in the Makerspace or checked out at Library Information
  • Meta Quest 3 Headset: Mostly reserved for classes or college programs.
  • Computer stations running game engines (Unity or Unreal Engine) for creating XR experiences

   User training by the Makerspace staff is required for borrowing VR equipment.

VR for Teaching & Learning


Virtual Speech for Public Speaking Practice

Dr. Samuel Allen's COMM 210 class used a VR app "Virtual Speech" for practicing communication skills. The student immersed in a virtual lecture hall, giving a presentation to the simulated audience and receiving feedback from the VR App on pace, volume and eye contact. 

The VR app also offers simulated environments for practicing interviews with AI generated questions.

Virtual Speech for Speech Communications class



Nursing Students Interacting with Becoming Homeless VR

The interactive first-person VR experience helps the RMC Nursing students gain understanding of people facing the adversity of becoming homeless.




Dori Broomell, Library Technologist & Makerspace Manager

Lily Zhang, Head of Instructional Design & Technology