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International Students Library Guide

A collection of information and resources for international students at the McGraw-Page Library

International Students Library Guide

Finding Non-English Sources

The library has a lot of different databases and they can work in a lot of different ways. On this page you will learn how to search for articles in languages other than English in two commonly used databases: Academic Search Complete and JSTOR. It is a little different in each, but if you can find non-English articles in these two databases you should be able to find them in most of the library's other databases as well! 

As always, if you have any questions or trouble don't hesitate to reach out to a librarian.

Limiting Search Results by Language in Academic Search Complete

The steps to find articles in non-English using Academic Search Complete (and all EBSCOhost databases) are:

  1. Open Academic Search Complete
  2. Search your keywords.
  3. On the results page scroll down until you see a tab for "Language" on the left side of the screen (boxed in red in the image below).
  4. Click on that tab you will find all the languages articles in your topic are written in.
  5. Click on a language it will remove all the articles not written in the selected language.

Limiting Search Results by Language in JSTOR

The steps for searching for non-English articles in JSTOR are:

  1. Open JSTOR.
  2. Instead of using the search box click on the "Advanced Search" button above the search bar on the right (boxed in red in the image below).
  3. Once on the advance search screen, scroll down until you see the box for "All Languages" (boxed in red in the second image below).
  4. Click on the box to produce a drop down menu where you can select the language you would like your results in.