You can engrave photos and illustrations using the laser cutter, and have it cut along the outline. When downloading drawings and images for laser cutting projects, please observe copyright and fair use.
We highly recommend you meet with us for a 30-minute consultation before starting your laser-cutting project.
The file for engraving should be saved as png or jpg; and the outline or cut-through must be saved as svg vector file.
Photo Editing apps you can use to edit photos (for engraving):
Drawing apps for creating SVG images (for cutting through and scoring):
We provide birch wood sheets (one-square-foot per sheet, 12"x12"x1/4"), and charge $5.00 per half square foot. Users may bring their own materials but must get approval from the Makerspace management for using them with our laser cutter.
Click the button below to submit your files: Laser Cutting Submission Form
The finished image must be imported into a proprietary application for laser cutting, a step done with the Makerspace staff assistance.
Students in Asian Studies create wooden keychains with their hand-written Chinese or Japanese names engraved on them. Students practiced writing characters in the target language, learned to edit them in photo and drawing apps and prepared files for engraving and cutting on the laser cutter.
Dori Broomell, Library Technologist & Makerspace Manager
Lily Zhang, Head of Instructional Design & Technology
Are you passionate about crafts and technology? Do you have ideas that could make our Makerspace better?
Click here to share your ideas and feedback (using your RMC sign-in). Thank you!