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Political Science

Political Science

Logo for ICPSR: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research,

For help

Profile Photo
Laurie Preston

McGraw-Page Library
Randolph-Macon College
P.O. Box 5005
305 Henry Street
Ashland VA 23005-5505

Starting out

Randolph-Macon College is a member of the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, known as ICPSR.

The ICPSR houses the world's largest online repository of data sets for social science researchers, with over 16,000 available. These data sets are available for download and use by the entire R-MC community. These data sets are used with statistical software, such as SAS, SPSS, and Stata. Computer labs on campus already have SPSS installed. If you need help with its use, check with the Higgins Academic Commons tutors.

In order to retrieve data sets, you must first create an account while using a computer connected to the campus network.

Once you have created the account, you may access the data from on- or off-campus.

Start finding data here. Data sets can be found by either searching or by browsing several options.

If you need assistance retrieving data sets or to report any problems, contact the Randolph-Macon College ICPSR Official Representative, Laurie Preston, Head of Reference, at or 752-4718.