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R-MC Faculty Teaching Toolkit: Office Hours


Office Hours
& Advising Appointments

Office Hours in Canvas vs. Google Calendar

This page shares two options for setting up office hours/advising appointments. 

  • Google Calendar. This option uses Google Calendar, Google Meet (optional), and Outlook. While some of these tools may be somewhat unfamiliar, the set-up and use of this process is very, very easy.
  • Zoom Meetings in Canvas. This option requires scheduling a recurring meeting in Zoom and then using Canvas's scheduling tool to allow students to register for meetings. If the recurring meeting is scheduled from within Canvas, all available office hours will appear on all students' Canvas calendars. While this process uses tools that both students and faculty are familiar with, the set-up is complicated, requiring multiple steps.

Virtual Office Hours in Canvas using Zoom

 Zoom logo  Virtual Office Hours/Advising in Canvas Using Zoom


Zoom allows you to meet with students individually online. You can do this on an as-needed basis, or can schedule regular office hours and allow students to sign up for appointments. 

This process involves scheduling a recurring meeting in Zoom (with the option of the Zoom link in Canvas), and then using Canvas's Calendar scheduling tool to allow students to sign up (reserve times) for the meeting. As the student reserves a time for the meeting in Canvas, the time will show up in the student's Canvas Calendar. 


I. Schedule regular office hours:

II. Hold your Zoom office hours.


Appointments: Set them up in Google Calendar, start the meeting in Outlook

Outlook Icon Set up appointment reservations in Google Calendar, and
keep track reservations and start the meeting in Outlook.


  1. In Google calendar, create an appointment block (which can include multiple reservation slots)
  2. Invite students to reserve appointment slots
  3. The reserved slots will automatically show up in your Outlook Calendar. You may start a virtual meeting in Outlook (if the option is selected for the reservation)
