March is Women's History Month
March is Women's History Month, a time to reflect on and celebrate the contributions of women, who over time have been underrepresented. The library has put together this guide to showcase just a few of the many resources available in the library and online. You'll find links to print and eBooks, films, music, websites, and more!
Participate in the "Wikipedia Edit-a-thon: Enhancing the Discoverability of Women’s History," hosted by the Smithsonian American Women's History Museum on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 11 am – 2 pm.
"Celebrate Women’s History Month by making women’s stories more discoverable online! Join us for a Wikipedia edit-a-thon focusing on women who have been made visible through exhibitions, publications, and programs across the Smithsonian.”
Playlists from Naxos Music Library
A great selection of classical, opera, and more by women composers. Use the buttons in the player to start and control the music.
You may be prompted to sign in with your R-MC credentials depending on your location and network connection.
Contemporary Women Composers - Naxos Music Library. Over three hours of music!
Historical Women Composers - Naxos Music Library. Over three hours of music!
VEVO Celebrates Women's History Month
(Connect to more titles in the Very Short Introduction collection
• History of Women's Suffrage
Women’s Magazines & Newspapers, a growing, award-winning collection of the most historically important women’s magazines and newspapers.
Crash course US History. Women in the 19th Century.
Academic Video Online, from the Alexander Street film collection, is a comprehensive video collection covering a wide range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. See more films! Access with RMC community credentials.
The Ascent of Woman: A 10,000 Year Story
"In this four-part series, Dr. Amanda Foreman traverses countries and continents to uncover and interrogate key stories of the strong, radical and revolutionary women that have made and changed the course of human history from 10,000 BC to the present day.
Click a location on the map and then the link in the description.
"You can visit (virtually or in-person) sites associated with history-making women across the state through our Virginia Women in History Digital Trails" -- Library of Virginia, and the American Evolution, Virginia’s 2019 Commemoration.
Take part in helping to preserve women's history resources by transcribing documents from the past.