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Academic Support for Films

Information on film use for classes

General Information

Submit a film request.

  Please use this form to request any media needed for class that is not already available through the Library.

The Library will purchase the DVD if it is available. If the DVD is not available, the Library will attempt to license a streaming version of the film. Streaming licenses are generally for a one-year duration. In some cases, three-year licenses or purchases may be made if the films will be used on a continuing long-term basis and there is significant savings. Most annual film licenses range from $125-$350 per year for unlimited viewings.

Films must be requested a minimum of 10 days before they are needed, although we cannot guarantee that we can acquire them within that time frame. Ideally, films should be requested 30 days before the date needed. If a new DVD needs to be purchased, it must be identified, ordered, shipped, and cataloged. All film requests should be made via the Library’s online form.

Some films are not available on DVD and/or are not available in streaming format for the academic market; some large film distributors (i.e. Fox) only license their content directly to consumers for individual rental or in subscriber services via platforms such as Amazon, Netflix, Google Store, iTunes, Vudu, Hulu, Criterion, and cable or satellite services. If course instructors wish to use a film that cannot be licensed, the costs will need to be paid by the students. The consumer platforms do not allow libraries to purchase access.