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WorldCat Discovery Search (books)

Reference Sources

Locating Books

In the Library of Congress Classification, books about Great Britain are under DA and statistical sources are in HA, while atlases are in G. When you find a book that looks useful, check the area around it for books on the same or similar topics.

Use subjects such as:
Great Britain
Working Class
Child Labor

To narrow it down, look for subheadings such as:
19th Century
Social Life and Customs
Social Conditions
Economic Conditions

For instance:
Great Britain-economic conditions-19th century
Working class-Great Britain-History

To locate print books and ebooks in the Library's collections, use the WorldCat Discovery search box located to the right on this page. The links below to specific ebook collections will allow you to search inside the ebooks, for which the WorldCat Discovery link has limited capability .

Locating Articles (Databases and Indexes)

Statistics and Data Sets

UK Statistics Authority and the Office for National Statistics

EUROSTAT (European Community)

ILOSTAT (International Labour Organization)

Human Development Reports (United Nations Development Programme)

Searchable national-level data; allows user to create customized statistical comparisons.

UNSTATS (United Nations Statistical Division)

Historic Newspapers

American Newspapers

Richmond Times-Dispatch and its preceding papers available online from 1850--1922 via Chronicling America (see entry below) as Daily Dispatch, 1850--1884; Richmond Dispatch, 1884--1903; Daily Times, 1886--1889; Times, 1890--1903; Times-Dispatch, 1903-1914, Richmond Times-Dispatch 1914-1922.

Chronicling America (1789--1963; dates vary for selected papers; most prior to 1923)

Based at the Library of Congress, this is an online newspaper collection millions of pages; includes several Virginia,newspapers including the Richmond Times-Dispatch and its predecessors, and several DC newspapers.

Ashland] Herald Progress (1919-2018)- online through Virginia Chronicle (Library of Virginia). Also available on microfilm,  no index.

Richmond Christian Advocate (1841-1902); Baltimore and Richmond Christian Advocate (1903-1918); Richmond Christian Advocate (1919-1939) - online through Virginia Chronicle (Library of Virginia). Also available on microfilm for 1869--1939, index on first reel of microfilm; print editions from 1869-2010 in Special Collections & Archives.

Richmond Daily Dispatch (1860--1865)

Electronic full-text access to primary Richmond newspaper during the Civil War years.

Virginia Gazette Online - 1736--1780, some known issues missing from the online version (digitized by Colonial Williamsburg Foundation). Also available in Accessible Archives database (see below).

Birth of America - microfilm, 1763-1783, various newspapers; index volume at E187 .J65 




Most Accessible Archives subject collections include newspaper content from the colonial era through the early 20th century.