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R-MC Faculty Teaching Toolkit: Emergency Teaching Resources

Emergency Teaching Resources

If an essential RMC's teaching tool is down, the tools below can be used to maintain teaching continuity.

  • Contacting Students: Faculty should sign into MyMaconWeb to download the up-to-date student email list for the course. Outlook email will be the communication method to reach students for changing systems for instruction.
  • Synchronous Meetings: Use Google Meet or Zoom (basic license) for teaching if Teams is down.
  • Content & Assignments: Use Google Classroom when Canvas is down.

Contact ITS ( to report Teams problems. Consult for Canvas system operational status.

Google Classroom

Alternative Learning Management Tool



google classroom logo Google Classroom


Click the link above to learn more about Google Classroom.


Google Meet or Zoom

Alternative Video Conferencing Tools



Google Meet    or     Zoom logo Zoom 


Click a link above to learn more about the tool.