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R-MC Faculty Teaching Toolkit: Google Drive

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Google Workspace

About Google Drive


Google Drive is part of RMC's Google Workspace that includes Google Doc, Google Sheets, Google Slides etc.. R-MC faculty, students, and staff enjoy unlimited cloud storage using their RMC username and password. Documents in this storage space can be shared with others and accessed wherever you have internet access.


This page provides information about:


Watch this video for introduction (1:53 min)



Navigate to Teaching Toolkit Homepage

Accessing Google Drive


1. Navigate to click Sign In. Sign in using your R-MC username & password.

highlights log in button at


NOTE: If you use Gmail or Google Drive for your personal business, you may not see the Sign In button but instead will see an image associated with your personal account. To access the unlimited storage associate with R-MC's Google Suite, you will need to login with your R-MC credentials. Learn How (Text)

2. Click the square next to your initial in the upper right corner and select Google Drive.

drive option highlighted among other google apps

3. Click the New button to create new documents and folders or to upload whole folders or individual files. Within Google Drive you can create many types of new documents, including word processing documents in Google Docs, spreadsheets in Google Sheets, presentations with Google Slides, or surveys with Google Forms. 


+ New button highlighted in Google drive                        highlights upload and create options in google drive


While you can continue to access Google Drive online, you can also sync Google Drive to your computer (learn how: text). This allows you to access the files and folders stored on Google Drive as if they are just another folder on your computer, even when your computer is offline (though you will not be able to sync your files without an internet connection). 


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Using Google Drive in Canvas


Using GoogleDrive (Google LTI) in Canvas


GoogleDrive is integrated in The Google integration is known as Google LTI 1.3. This app allows the instructor to embed and insert files from his/her GoogleDrive into Canvas modules and pages. The advantages of using the Google LTI include:

  • Edits by the instructor on a Google document are updated automatically in Canvas; no re-upload is necessary. Documents shared this way by the instructor can be viewed by students enrolled in the course; students cannot edit the documents. Students don't have access to unshared files in the instructor's Google Drive.
  • Media files saved in the instructor's Google Drive do not use Canvas course storage, and media streaming may be smoother (quicker loading).


Information in this section shows how to use GoogleDrive in Canvas.


To add a file saved in your GoogleDrive to a Canvas Module:use Google LTI in Canvas module

  • Click the "+" to add a Module item, and from the "Add" drop-down list, select "External Tool" (see the screenshot)
  • Select "Google Drive LTI 1.3".
  • The first time you use Google LTI in the course, you will be prompted to enter your GoogleDrive account username. You may use your personal Google account, or preferably, your RMC Google account. If you use your RMC account (your RMC email as username), the system will not ask you to enter your password. This is a one-time operation; next time you use the Google LTI in the course, you will simply click the "Select file" button.
  • Select and add the file; click the "Attach" option.
  • Back in Canvas, click the blue "Add Item" button on the bottom right.
  • Publish the Module Item (and the Module) so that students can access it.



To add a file saved in your GoogleDrive to a Canvas Rich Content Editor, such as Page: 

  • From the App icon, select "View All" (see the screenshot on the right.)Image showing how to use Google Drive in Canvas through the rich text editor features
  • Select "Google Drive LTI 1.3".
  • The first time you use Google LTI in the course, you will be prompted to enter your GoogleDrive account username. You may use your personal Google account, or preferably, your R-MC Google account. If you use your R-MC account (your R-MC email), the system will not ask you to enter your password. This is a one-time operation; next time you use Google LTI in the course, you will simply click the "Select file" button.
  • Select and add the file; click the "Attach" option.
  • Back in Canvas, click the blue "Add Item" button on the bottom right.
  • Publish the page so that students can access it.



GoogleDrive LTI 1.3 also allows Google Classroom assignments or quizzes to be integrated into Canvas Assignments and SpeedGrader; related information is in the Google Support site. In normal circumstances, RMC faculty do not use Google Classroom.





A Note about Students Assignment Submissions:


canvas assignment submission types

When creating/editing a Canvas assignment, the instructor chooses Submission types. Choosing "Online" leads to options (see the screenshot on the right).

If one or more of the following Online Entry options are selected, students will be able to submit files from their Google Drive, in addition to the option(s) selected. This function is not affected by whether the instructor uses the Google LTI or not.  

  • File Uploads 
  • Text Entry  
  • Website URL 

Student submissions of files from their Google Drive can be graded in the assignment's SpeedGrader.







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Sharing from Google Drive

Any file or folder stored in OneDrive can be shared with others.

Right click on the file you want to share and select the Share option.

share option in google drive


The default settings allow restrict access so that no one can access your file unless you provide the link. It is recommended that you limit this access further so that only individuals from Randolph-Macon College who have the link can access your file.

private google drive sharing

To change access settings, click Change link to Randolph-Macon College, and click Viewer to determine whether those with the link can view, comment, or edit

google drive share to rmc users with setting permissions highlighted

Additional settings available in the top box allow you to determine what additional privileges are available to those who can view, comment, or edit your file.
more permissions options in google drive

 While not allowing your file to be downloaded may seem like the most secure option, it can have implications for those with internet connectivity issues, who may need to download files when they have internet access to study or view when they may not have that access.


Click Done to apply your desired settings and then either enter email addresses to share the file directly, or Get Link to link the file or folder in Canvas or another location.

Share the link in Canvas.


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