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Long Night Against Procrastination banner

Tuesday, March 25
5:00pm – 9:00pm
McGraw-Page Library

The McGraw-Page Library and the Higgins Academic Center (HAC) are excited to host an exciting Bonus Night Against Procrastination! The goal of the night is to connect you with the help you need to prepare for projects, papers, and exams. It's the resources, services and fun of our LNAP event, but earlier in the semester!

Meet with tutors, coaches, research librarians, and others to get help with:

  • Finding/Evaluating Sources
  • Creating your Thesis
  • Improving your Study Habits
  • Planning for Upcoming Assignments
  • Proofreading your Work
  • Preparing a Speech or Presentation

BNAP is an opportunity to use support that exists all semester long! HAC tutors, reference librarians, writingspeaking consultants AND MORE are available throughout the semester, not only right before finals. Check out the information below to learn more about the support that is available.

**Subject Tutoring through the HAC will continue as scheduled, with no special hours offered via BNAP. Make an appointment with a tutor below.


In addition to the usual BNAP academic resources, this session will feature opportunities for some fun brain breaks! Same time, same place: Tuesday, March 25, from 5pm – 9pm:

  • Enjoy a snack
  • Play virtual reality
  • Make a button
  • Use the makerspace

The Higgins Academic Center is here with Subject Tutoring, Writing and Speaking help and Peer Academic Coach.

Subject and Writing/Speaking tutors are available to meet virtually, and can help you with:

  • Class specific help on assignments, homework, tests, etc.
  • How to study better
  • Subject specific help for writing a paper
  • Proofreading a paper

You can make an appointment for both Subject Tutoring and Writing/Speaking Tutoring using the button below

Make Tutoring Appointment

Peer Academic Coaches are also able to meet virtually and can help you with:

  • Examine your work/study process
  • Time management habits
  • Help with current difficulties or barriers to your success
You can make an appointment with a Peer Academic Coach by clicking the button below.


Make Peer Academic Coach Appointment



The McGraw-Page Library is here to support you in your research.

You can chat with someone for help, schedule an appointment with a librarian, or look at a research guide to figure out where to begin your research.


Schedule a Librarian Appointment


The library has also put together a number of resources that can help with life changes.

Topics include study tips, connecting with others, and career help.


Student Success Online

We help with research throughout the school year.

Keep with what we do and how we can help you on our Instagram, X (formerly Twitter)and TikTok!


Wellness Advisors Logo

We understand it is hard to reach your maximum potential in the classroom if you are neglecting your sleep, your nutrition and your overall wellness. 

Wellness Advisors are trained and certified peer educators who offer assistance to students on issues of wellness and prevention through one-on-one consultation and wellness programs.  

For more information, follow them on Instagram @JacketsWellness or on the Wellness Advisors portion of Counseling Services webpage.  You can also book your free 30 minute consultation through this link: Wellness Advisors 30 Minute Meeting.