Interlibrary Loan is a service available to Randolph-Macon College students, faculty, and staff that allows them to request journal article or book chapter copies, print books, and other physical items that the library here does not own from libraries around the world. Interlibrary loans are almost always free for the RMC community.
1. How do I request research material using ILL?
2. How quickly can I get materials through ILL?
The time it takes to receive and process an item through ILL can vary. Articles can usually be obtained within 1-3 business days while physical books typically take longer, often 7-10 business days. Please plan accordingly and submit your requests as early as possible.
3. What kinds of materials can I request?
Below is a list of items you can request through ILL. Please note that it is at the lending library's discretion as to whether or not they will loan something through ILL.
A NOTE REGARDING TEXTBOOKS: Due dates for items loaned through ILL are determined by the lender and can vary widely. For this reason, ILL is not recommended as a way to obtain textbooks.
A NOTE REGARDING EBOOKS: Please be aware that we are sometimes unable to get an e-book through ILL due to lending restrictions established by publishers.
4. How much does ILL cost to use?
Interlibrary Loan is a free service for R-MC students, faculty and staff. The only time a patron would be billed for an ILL item is if it is lost or damaged and the lending library bills us for it.
5. How will I know when my ILL item has arrived?
You will receive a system-generated email to your Randolph-Macon email account when your item has arrived. Please be sure to monitor your spam/junk/quarantine/other folders, as sometimes the notification may land there.
6. How long can I keep an ILL item?
7. How can I renew an ILL item?
To renew an ILL item, contact the Interlibrary Loan office at They will request a renewal from the lending library. Please note that due dates and renewals for ILL items are at the discretion of the lending library and cannot be appealed.
8. How do I return something I borrowed through ILL?
Please use the book drop in the Library vestibule to return your ILL books or other physical material borrowed through ILL. Journal article and book chapter copies do not need to be returned.