Library staff can consult on both the design and implementation of academic assignments, including research-based assignments and those that involve the use of specific technologies, such as or Canvas Studio, or Makerspace equipment.
See below for more details.
Many students get an introduction to research and the library in ENGL 185, but unfortunately not all students take this class. It is possible that students in your class have not yet used the McGraw-Page Library to complete a research project while at R-MC. Library faculty can partner with you to teach your students information literacy and research skills. The subject librarian for your department is your point of contact and can help in a variety of ways and at different stages of a student's academic progress.
Your subject librarian can help you:
At Instructional Design & Technology, we understand the importance of digital literacy in college education and strive to support to incorporate digital literacy into the curriculum. We consult with faculty on designing digital project assignments to serve course goals and learning outcomes.
The Makerspace provides opportunities and resources for students to explore digital media creation, 3D modeling and virtual reality. Over the past few years we have collaborated with instructors to integrate students' Makerspace experience into their learning processes. Here are ideas for curriculum integration.
We invite RMC instructors to browse the student productions and reach out to us for questions and interests.
We provide help to