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Poster Printing

We offer poster printing for RMC sponsored research projects and educational events. The size of the poster is up to 56" x 36" (one dimension must be equal to or less than 36"). All posters are printed on satin photo paper. There is a fee for poster printing. 


Please review the Guidelines and Design instruction and tips. Two-business-day notice is required for printing a poster.


Proofread your presentation before submitting it for printing. We do not reprint posters. The PDF file can be submitted on the bottom of this page.




SURF Posters

  1. SURF faculty advisors should email the faculty administrative assistant ( the names of their SURF students who will have their posters printed for the Symposium Day or SURF Day. 

  2. SURF posters are typically displayed on 56”W x 36”H boards. You may use our layout template for a 56"W x 36"H poster [download]. Save your finished poster as PDF for submission.


Course Assignment, Capstone and Symposium Posters

Students who are given the option of printing out individual PowerPoint slides for the poster presentation may use the color printers in the Library.


Some course instructors and research advisors require the student presentation be printed on one large poster paper. Information below pertains to large-poster design and printing.


- The student must confirm with the instructor or advisor on the size of the poster. The poster size can be:

- The instructor or advisor who requires students submit poster presentations, please email Dori Broomell with the following information:

  1. Student names who will submit posters for printing, and
  2. Payment methods - whether by the department or the student


Poster Design


The size of the poster depends on the board it will be hung onto. The trifold board is 48”W x 36”H (the left panel being 12"W, the central panel 24"W and the right panel 12"W). Your PowerPoint slide may not exceed 48” x 36”. We have prepared the layout template for 48"H x 36"H posters [download], and for 56"W x 36"H posters [download].

We encourage patrons to observe the Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for content creation.

The poster must be saved or exported as a PDF file for printing. The Makerspace only accepts PDF files.


 - Detailed instructions on research poster design

 - Quick tips:

  • We recommend using PowerPoint for creating the large-sized poster.
  • Set the PowerPoint slide size to 56"W x 36"H, or 48"W x 36"H.
  • Use these PowerPoint features: Ruler and Zoom in/out for poster layout and content details.
  • Use visuals (e.g images and graphs) to balance and illustrate the text.
  • Stick to clean fonts; text sizes should be large enough for reading from a few yards away;
    • Common sans-serif fonts: Arial and Calibri
    • Title of the poster: large (90 points or up), bold and interesting
    • Text for the headings: 36 points or up
    • Body Text: 24 points or up
  • The poster should have no or very light background in order to make the text legible and stand out.
  • Use spaces and PowerPoint Shapes to group content and to direct visual flow (refer to the Mock-up below).
  • Randolph-Macon College Logos can be downloaded on the Marketing/Communications page.
  • Save or export your PowerPoint file to PDF (instruction here).


Poster layout mockup
 Research Poster Mock-up

Submit your PDF file for printing

(Refer to this information if you have problem signing in).


Poster Printing Pricing

Purpose of Poster Price per Running Foot (36" x 12")
Faculty and Student Academic Conference, SURF and Course Presentations $5.00
Display for Other College-sponsored Educational Events $10.00


Dori Broomell, Library Technologist & Makerspace Manager

Lily Zhang, Head of Instructional Design & Technology