Canvas LMS provides tools for organizing the course content, communicating to students and administering and grading assignments and quizzes.
Use a current version of Chrome. Navigate to and sign in with your RMC username and password.
For Students
Please refer to the information for submitting Assignments, taking Quizzes in Canvas, using Canvas Studio, reporting problems, and more!
For Instructors
Pedagogy & Course Design:
Building a Student-centered Canvas Course:
Using the Instructor's Tools:
including how to
- Import a previous course, or
- Create a new course
- Clean up the course Navigation
- Add content (links) to a Module,
adding links to
- files, pages, websites, assignments, discussions & quizzes
- 3rd-party integrations
- library catalog and database items
- Create an assignment
- Assignment Groups & Weights
- Grade student assignments and give feedback using SpeedGrader
- Use a rubric to grade in Speedgrader
- Best practices
- Build a (new) quiz
- Grade student responses
Navigate to: Teaching Toolkit Homepage
or other Teaching & Learning Services