Course Reserves
Course reserves are supplemental class materials (e.g., books, DVDs) that are maintained at the Information Desk on the first floor of the McGraw-Page Library.
- Books, DVDs, CDs, and many other types of materials can be put on reserve. An instructor's personal copy can be put on reserve upon request.
- Most reserves items check out for 2 hours. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis (e.g., a 2.5 hour long film will check out for 3 hours).
- Reserve items may not leave the library.
- Portable DVD players and headphones are available for checkout to facilitate viewing DVDs.
- Library copier/scanners can be used to make personal copies of reserve materials in compliance with current copyright guidance.
Please note: Most digital materials (e.g., articles, streaming video) that are assigned are posted in Canvas under the course in which they are assigned. For assistance linking materials in Canvas, please view Canvas training and support.