Shelving Procedure
Red Bookmarks
Library of Congress call numbers are read from left to right and top to bottom. They can be found located on a label along the spine of an item.
An example call number should look something like this:
The most confusing part of the decimal system are the numbers after the first letters of the call number. Here are some tips on how to read each line.
PL (Read the first line in alphabetical order.)
2658 (Read the second line as a whole number.)
.C56 (Read the letter alphabetically, but the number as a decimal: e.g., .C56 would come before .C57 but after .C471)
1987 (Read the year in chronological order.)
The image below provides examples.
The following are mandatory LOC Call Number training modules. Please complete them both and notify Kayla when you've done them.
1. Kent State LOC Tutorial- Call Number and Shelving