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Information Desk Student Worker Guide

Operating Procedures for Information Desk Student Employees

Closing Procedures

To close the library:

                         1. Make the 30 minute announcement from the script below, which is also posted above the PA system. Please stick to the script. 

  • Use the PA system by flipping the power switch to ‘ON’ on the machine and holding down the button on the microphone while speaking.
  • Make sure to flip the power switch back off on the machine when done.

2.       15 minutes before the library is scheduled to close, flash the lights and make the announcements from the script. If there are two people working, one should walk around the library to inform any remaining patrons when the library is closing.

3.       Double-check both book drops (at the desk and the chute) and check in any materials.

4.      Straighten up the Information Desk.

5.       Make another announcement (flashing the lights again) at 5 minutes to closing.

6.      At closing time, make a final announcement and shut down the computer.

7.     Use the 24/7 Room key, located under the Info Desk, to lock the door. The lock is located on the wall to the left of the doors.

8.      When the library closes, Campus security should arrive to lock the doors. 

**If Campus Safety does not arrive to lock up the library, call them at (x4710) and ask them (nicely) to lock the library.**

9.       After Campus Safety arrives, turn off the lights upstairs and downstairs. Light switches are located on the large black panel with white frame on the left side. You ONLY need to touch the two switches labeled downstairs and upstairs.

10.     Exit with the Campus Safety officer.

**DO NOT turn off the lights until the Campus Safety officer has arrived.

                            **If there are any problems with Campus Safety or anything else weird, e-mail Kayla an account of what happened.**

Closing Script

Details and script:

30 minutes before closing make the first announcement:

The McGraw-Page Library will close in 30 minutes.  Please bring any materials you plan to check out to the Information Desk at this time. Reserve materials are due in 15 minutes.

15 minutes before closing flick the lights and make the second announcement:

The McGraw-Page Library will be closing in 15 minutes. All reserve materials are now due. Please return them to the Information Desk at this time, and check out any materials.

Campus Safety should arrive 10 to 15 minutes prior to closing. They will ask the students in the 24/7 space to take their materials to the Information Desk if they wish to check them out.

5 minutes before closing flick the lights again and make the closing announcement:

The McGraw-Page Library is closing.  Please be sure your materials are checked out and exit the building at this time. The door to the 24/7 study room will be closing shortly.

At closing make the announcement:

The McGraw-Page Library is now closed.