Weekday Opening
1. Turn on the Information Desk computer; sign in with the password (check black binder for password).
2. If the 24/7 Door is closed:
3. Check printers and add paper if necessary.
3. Change the due date stamp (move it forward) by one day:
4. Check the book shoots (under Information Desk and beside alarm panels) for returns and process them.
5. Check the Holds on the Pull List located under Reports tab in WMS Circulation. Process holds.
Weekend Opening:
1. Meet Campus Safety at the library 15 minutes before scheduled opening time.
2. If Campus Safety is not there 15 minutes before the library is scheduled to open, call them (x4710) and ask them to come unlock the library.
TROUBLESHOOTING: If the doors still haven’t been unlocked and you don’t see a Campus Safety officer by 5 minutes to opening, call them again. If they still haven't responded, call Campus Safety again at the time the library is supposed to open.
3. On the light panel behind the Circulation Desk, turn on the two main switches labeled “Upstairs” and “Downstairs.
4. Proceed with regular opening duties listed above.