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Information Desk Student Worker Guide

Operating Procedures for Information Desk Student Employees

Shelf Reading

Shelf Reading is an essential task. A mis-shelved book is a lost book, and shelf reading is how we find them and make them available to patrons. Please keep the following in mind while shelf reading:

  • Work from left to right on each shelf.
  • Check for call-number order and align spines with the edge of the shelf.
  • Look behind the books to see if a book has fallen between the rows.
  • Books that are extremely out of order (more than one or two shelves) should be brought down to the Information Desk and checked in the Discover Items tab, to see if they have been reported missing.
    • Note: if the book is listed as lost or missing, leave the book on the Circulation Manager's desk with a note.
    • Note: if the book is listed as checked out, check the book back into the system and place it in the re-shelving area to be re-shelved.
  • Reference and Serials materials mis-shelved in the circulating stacks upstairs should be brought down to the Information Desk to be re-shelved.
  • Damaged books (broken spine, falling apart in your hands, torn) should be brought down and given to Lynda for repair.
  • Track your progress using the Shelf Reading Log, located attached to the designated clipboard on the Information Desk.